
How to handle porn addiction of your partner?


If you regularly catch your partner watching porn, then it can indeed be quite annoying and confusing experience. 

For some, it can be an entertainment source while others may take it as betrayal. 

The best way you can figure out if your partner is addicted to porn when it starts to bring conflict in your sexual life or when your partner is quite obsessed to watching porn rather than anything else. 

So, today in this blog, we would look out for the ways through which porn addiction of your partner can be easily handled. 

  • Learn that it is not because of you 

A lot of women who have gone through this situation suggest that they need to understand that the porn addiction of their partner has nothing to do with them. It totally boils down to the habits of your partner. 

Hence, you need to stop cursing yourself that all these happened because of you are not able to satisfy your partner. 


  • You need to remember that it is an addiction 


You need to keep in mind that watching porn is a form of addiction and it works in the same way as any other form of addiction. 

The first step that you need to undertake it to have an open conversation with your partner regarding this matter. There might be the situation where your partner might deny it. 

However, you need to keep all your viewpoints in front of your partner and try to keep the conversation going. 

After this, it is recommended that you take help from a counsellor such that watching porn of your partner can be limited. 

But, you have to keep in mind that porn addiction like any other kind of addiction is quite difficult to deal and therefore provide your partner with all the support & love that is needed. 


  • Try to focus on yourself 


It is recommended that you don’t get overwhelmed that your partner needs support to overcome addiction. 

The best thing that you can do is to have a support system. In addition, you can also make a list of things that you feel is important for you. 

Furthermore, you need to focus on all goals i.e. short term and long term. 

Also, try to be active and healthy, throughout this entire journey.